Changes · grown up · Random Thoughts · thoughts · Uncategorized

Growing Pains

Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, “grow, grow.” – The Talmud.

I want things to bloom. I am ready for Spring, really.  Who doesn’t want a fresh start?  For growth?  I want to grow, to change, to be a better person, wife, mother, friend, and employee.  I want to have help from others.  To be encouraged.

But…I don’t like change, or do I?  I like new adventures.  I like to try new recipes, to visit new restaurants, or places.  I like to change when it is my choice.  Not someone else’s timeline or decision.  But I also think we are all like that.  Change is fine if I want it, but not if you are wanting the change and it bothers or affects me.

Bloom.  Grow.  Both involve change.  And we have nothing to do with it.



Day 19 · future · grown up · NaBloPoMo 2012 · Professions

Grown Up

NaBloPoMo 2012 -Day 19

When did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up?  I wanted to be a Home Economics Teacher, until I went to college.  Algebra got me, and hard.

Decisions are hard.  Lifetime decisions are even harder.  Trying to decide on what would be a good job in 4 to 5 years after college is even harder.

I am 46 years old, and I still don’t know what I really want to do.  I like being a wife and a mom.  It is a difficult job, but comes naturally to me.  At least the mothering does. Ha.  In fact, I have been told to write a blog for Mom’s.  I’m not sure about that, but I may include some new mommy helps here.

But, I wandered again.  So, my beautiful, smart daughter is at Auburn in the Pre-Nursing program.  She may not get in to the nursing program.  She doesn’t know what else to she wants to do with her life.  She would be a wonderful nurse.  Not sure about the economy in the years ahead, but any profession is going to hurt in some way or another.

So…what does the future hold?

Jerry Ann